Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Episode #45-Before the Bloodbath


Peeta-*sitting on roof of the training center* So...*leans in closer to Katniss* Another Games, huh? This'll be fun.

Katniss:*leans away* Oh, yeah, so fun. Only one of us will live this time. So fun.

Peeta-I'm sure you'll win. know I'm going to do what ever I can to protect you, right? I'm not going to let you die.

Peeta-*looks away and shakes head*

Sokka-So...ladies? How fast you think it'll take me to win the games?

Azula: Puh-lease! It will take ME a matter of seconds to kill all of you!

Toph: Uh, yeah. Whatever. You wanna go now, seeing girl?

Azula: I'll give you a head start, blind girl. *evil snickers*

Sokka:Girls, girls. Let's not fight *laughs* over me.

Toph-*Turns head in Azula's direction* How about we kill him now?

Captain America-Alright, men. Let's make our country proud!

Black Widow-Sure, uh-huh. When do we start killing?

Hawkeye-*sleeping*Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...I love you, Tasha...

Black Widow-Niiiiccceee. I will regret killing him, but not that much.

Captain America-*Holds up shield* PRIDE!=)

Black Widow-*Derp/Facepalm*
Galinda-Boq, did you shine my shoes for tomorrow?

Boq-Y-yes, Galinda! *Heart. Gives her her shoes*

Galinda-Thank you, Biq. *smile*

Elphie-Glinda, it's BOQ. I just think youu should know that information before you die.

Galinda-Die? *laugh* I'll have you know, I intend to join those careers and SURVIVE. Plus, those from richer districts are much more my style and MUCH more attractive. *heart*


Six-*Punching wall* You guys better train if you want to stand a chance.

Sam-I can't train. All I can think about is if that I want to live, I have to kill my best friends. :(

Four-Same, sorry, dude, but you're gonna have to get over it.

Sam-Why? Why should I? I should just kill myself right now and save you guys the trouble.

Four-Same! Just--...I don't know, man...It's just--we all have to try to survive. Don't give up. You have as much as a chance as any of us.

Sam-Yesh, right. I'm just...not prepared to lose you.
Zuko-Sooooo, are you two dating? 'Cause that's gotta blow.

Aang-Why do you ask, Zuko? You jealous~~~? >:)

Zuko-Oh, yeah. Whatever. I'm too sadistic to give into the Zatara fangirl like that.

Katara-Really? You won't give into it, Zuzu? *takes her down down. Looks at Zuko seductively*

Zuko-Duh...uh-er-uh...psh. I have a girlfriend who has a lot less boob than you....

Aang-Just stay away from Katara, Zuko. Otherwise...*goes into Avatar state*

Zuko-Psh, dude, I could kill you right now, and all your past lives would die, stupid.

Aang-*pause**exits avatar state*
Annie-*looks back and forth nervously between Fiyero and Finnick*

Finnick-...Well, I'm going to bed. Happy Hunger Games. *leaves*

Fiyero-Well...this has been awkward....
Fang-So, Iggy, there's another blind girl in the games. I bet she's hot.

Iggy-Hmm...well, maybe you could, you know, DESCRIBE HER TO ME.

Fang-Well...uh, she's blind.


Fang-I'm glad, bro. G'night. *walks off*

Ed-Alright, Al! Are you ready?

Roy-He better be. You too, Fullmetal. Because when I kill you, it will be show. And I will feed on your balls.

Al-...I'm glad I don't have any...

Zero-*cleaning his gun* *mumbling* I'm gonna kill you, Kuran....

Kaname-Bro, your talking to yourself.

Yuk-=) Rainboooowwwwwwwwwwwwssssssssss~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Episode#44-The Reaping List

Ceasar-We certainly have an interesting cast and crew for this year's Quarter Quell, don't we Claudious?

Claudious-We certainly do, Ceasar.

Ceasar-From District 1, we have Kaname Kuran, Yuki Kuran, and Zero Kiryu. Amazing, that bunch. District 2 has Roy Mustang, and the brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric.

Claudious-Wouldn't wanna be in that situation.

Ceasar-In District 3, we have Max Martinez, Iggy Griffiths, and Fang.


Ceasar-...It just says Fang...Well, for District 4,  the love-struck Annie Cresta returns in a sad-turn of events with her lover, Fiyero Tiggelar, and her ex-fiance, Finnick Odair, who is currently dating the sister of former winner, Katniss Everdden. Never ending heartbreak, it seems for Miss Cresta. District 5 brings us the Avatar Aang, and his girlfriend, Katara. And the future Fire Lord, Prince Zuko. In District 6, we have Number Four, John Smith, his best friend, Sam Goode, and Number Six.


Ceasar-Bro, they just tell me what to say. District 7, we have Galinda Upland, Elphaba Thropp, and Boq. District 8, we have Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow.


Ceasar-Bro!! In District 9, we have Alice, Ariel, and Boo. In District 10, Woody, Timon, and Slenderman.

Claudious-Psh, Slenderman? What kindda name is that? It's like a friggin- *Tenticles grab Claudious and drags him offstage. AHHHHHH!!

Ceasar-Holy Crap, Bro!! My oompa loompa's gone!! Anyway, in District 11, we have the Fire Lord's Daughter, Azula. Sokka, brother to Katara, and Toph. Who is blind. In District 12, we have the star-crossed lovers Katniss and Peeta. Along with Haymitch Abernathy...white trash...

And that's it! Keep reading Hunger Mania! And let the 75th Hunger Games begin!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Episode#43-Blank Slate With Cracks

Effie-So, I'll see you later Prim?

Prim-Yeah, Effie. When I can. *Effie leaves* Well...time to-F-Finnick?


Prim-*looks down* How have you been?

Finnick-Well, if you don't mind my being honest, I've been through hell.

Prim-...Annie, right?

Finnick-Yeah. This whole mess about that moron from Oz...She? Marry him?

Prim-Should it matter? You and I...

Finnick-...What? We're what, Prim?

Prim-...I'd like to say this is a rough spot. Maybe it was a blessing that Annie and you...well, maybe it's best that the past is dead and gone. Now you and I...well, we don't have to worry. Isn't that better?...Finnick?

Finnick-Well, what do you want me to say, Prim? I'm happy she doesn't want me? What if your precious Gale said he couldn't stand you, huh?


Finnick-Just!...stop, okay? Just stop...I'll see you tomorrow, alright? Your place? Clear head and heart?

Prim-*looks down* I go to the Capitol tomorrow...

Finnick-Hey...I'll be there. Okay?

Prim-*smiles* Okay.

Episode#42-Effie's Savior

*Effie running to the hanging tree*

Effie-If i have to live in a world without Haymitch *voice trembling* then I won't live at all.

(gets noose and starts tying it)

Prim-No, Effie! Don't, don't! Don't hurt yourself just because of Haymitch.

Effie-I have to...I have nothing to live for any more.

Prim-*Puts her hand over Effie's* Effie, just because Haymitch doesn't want you around, doesn't mean that I don't or Katniss or Peeta or any other of our...friends don't.

Effie-Relationship problems too?

Prim-...Yeah. But I'm not killing my self over it...again. I'm still living because it would kill Katniss and so many others if I died. They keep me going.

Effie-I see your point. But...

Prim-But what?

Effie-Can we get back at Haymitch for what he did to me?

Prim-Oh, yeah. He deserves it for leaving you.
***********************A FEW HOURS LATER ********************************
Haymitch-That...was one fun party.

Elphaba-Suuureee wasss...*leans in to kiss*

Effie-Knock, knock! Ooops? Was I interrupting something? *glares*

Haymitch-Effie, not at all. Where did you come from, pray tell?

Effie-Oh, just got off the train. I just wanted to collect you for our yearly meeting at the Capitol.

Haymitch-Babe, you know I don't go to those.

Effie-Don't call me babe! You and your...friend...will have to postpone...whatever this is for another time!

Haymitch-Are you jealous, babe?

Effie-Of course not.

Haymitch-But your upset? *smiles*

Effie-Of course.

Haymitch-And why?

Effie-I was...simply under the impression that you and I...

Haymitch-Were together?

Effie-Well, yes! Come on, get on the train!

Haymitch-And what? Listen to President Snow drone on and on? No thanks. There's nothing I need to know-

Effie-It's the Quarter Quell, Haymitch. They are bringing in old tributes. There are only two male tributes in District 12.

Haymitch-*pales* I...

Effie-But there is an unlimited amount so Peeta may keep you company.

Haymitch-I have to go back into the games...with KATNISS?

Effie-Yes. A rather fitting punishment, don't you think? Your punishment for mistreating me.


Effie-When you say it that way, it sounds so cruel. Not my idea, Haymitch. See you at the capitol. *Leaves*


Elphaba-Haymitch, don't. Revenge can work in both ways.

Haymitch-Heh...revenge. *smiles*

Episode#41-I'll Tell You My Dirty Little Secret

*Effie overhearing*
Katniss-Hey, did you hear?


Katniss-Haymitch and the green girl went to the Philosophy Club last night.

Peeta-*looks blankly*

Katniss-*sigh* (whispers in his ear)

Peeta-*eyes wide* I don't think my mommy wants me to know about that kind of stuff.

Katniss-Too late.

Peeta-...Are we going to do that after we get married?


Effie-Wait, Katniss, what did you say about Haymitch? The green girl...

Katniss-Yeah. Why?

Effie-*trembling* No reason...*leaves*

Katniss-What's her problem?

Peeta-I think she's suffering heartbreak.


Finnick-You really have no heart.

Katniss-If you think so, Finnick.

Episode#40-The Philosophy Club you know any good clubs?

Elphaba-...Maybe. Do you like getting down and dirty? But most importantly...

Haymitch-Please say drunk.

Elphaba-Aw, you ruined it. *smiles*

Haymitch-Well, let's go!
*************************************ONE HOUR LATER*************************
Haymitch-So what did you say the name of this club is called?

Elphaba-...I-uh-Didn't. I don't even remember. Must've slipped my mind!


Elphaba-*thinks* I can't let him know...

Haymitch-Let's dance!

*they dance for a while*

Haymitch-This is fuuunnn.


Haymitch-Elphie, why did the music stop?...Why are they going into corners? Why...YOU DIDN'T.

Elphaba-I-I'm sorry. I thought-I mean...I was afraid that if I told you the truth, you wouldn't come.

Haymitch-WHAT?! I love this kind of club! Let's go!

Elphaba-Actually, I booked a room.

Haymitch-*smiles* Even better.

*They go to their room, hand in hand*

This episode was referring to the Philosophy Club scene from Gregory Maguire's WICKED.


Episode#39-Unfinished Business

Gale-Yo, Finnick

Finnick-Oh, hey dude.

Gale-...What are you doing?

Finnick-...Leaving. I've been waiting to talk to Annie's lawyer for the past three hours. He hasn't shown yet. And everywhere I turn, all the Capitol is on about how I cheated on Annie, was engaged to Prim, and how Annie's with that idiot from Oz. And I can't even reach her lawyer!

Gale-Have you talked to Prim since the fight?

Finnick-No. It's funny how WE aren't fighting anymore and she and I still are.

Gale-Yeah. She and I haven't spoken since either.

Finnick-Dude, can you drive me to the law office? Annie and I NEED to settle this paper work. I don't even know the lawyer's name.

Gale-Let's get lookin'.
Gale-You didn't tell me there were a thousand lawyers in this office. We've been looking for hours now. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Peeta-More like looking for a specific needle in a stack of needles.


Peeta-A needle would stand out in a haystack. We are looking for a particular needle. Mr. Dude!!

Lawyer-Ah, Mr. Odair

Finnick-I just came to settle-

Lawyer-No need. Annie's already switched everything from your name to her new fiances.
